Why A CPA?

Individual and Family Financial Needs


The services of a CPA are not only for those who are already wealthy.  The CPA is your partner, there to help you build wealth, beginning in your earliest working years.


A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) can be your unbiased advisor concerning succession planning, budgeting,  federal and state taxation, marriage, investments, retirement income, college tuition, inheritance and estate planning, insurance coverage, divorce, and long-term care, tax planning, and tax preparation.  A CPA can also demonstrate the financial power of beginning to save in your early years for a secure retirement.  Presenting the options that are best for you is the responsibility of the independent CPA.


Senior citizens can find help from a CPA in determining how to create a financial life-style that allows for enjoying the fruits from years of dedicated work.  Investment of retirement payouts, handling capital gains, tax planning and preparation, plus estate and inheritance issues are all concerns needing the advice of a CPA.


Changing life circumstances can create situations with the potential for significant financial impact.  A CPA can guide you safely through the times that could affect your financial stability and security.